Publications » Position papers » Steel industry feedback on the substantiating green claims initiative
Steel industry feedback on the substantiating green claims initiative
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The European Steel Association - EUROFER, supports the establishment of a common and consistent assessment framework that will, in principle, reduce costs for industry by limiting the proliferation of assessment methods and labels.
This should help keep access to a single market without barriers to trade, and also ensure that the environmental impact of imported goods can be properly assessed. The initiative should also reduce the possibilities for greenwashing, where comparisons are made using inconsistent data and advantageous assumptions.
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Brussels, 04 February 2025 – The European Steel Association (EUROFER) supports the demonstration of thousands of industry workers taking place tomorrow, 5 February, in Brussels, organised by industriAll Europe. Steel workers from across the EU will join workers from other manufacturing industries to call on the European Commission to save our industry and preserve employment by investing in good industrial jobs and the transition, while combating global overcapacity and unfair trade.
EUROFER contribution